swirling snowflakes and sunshine 9 AM Saturday 8 March |
I sat with my first cup of coffee nursing a clogged sinus/sinus headache. I had taken 2 sinus tablets and although my body felt overall fine, the headache and stuffy feeling is indicative to me that Spring is truly on its way. I get like this every March.....my allergies are mild compared to some people but March and April find me taking my allergy med almost daily. As I sat with my coffee and lent devotional, I couldn't help but notice that first it was a glorious sunny morning, and then as 7:30 approached and the bagels were eaten and the boiled egg chopped, the sky darkened and some very light, small snowflakes started to swirl. This is life in the Northeast in March. Blink and the weather changes quickly! All of a sudden the sky started turning blue again, the sun was coming out and the snow began to settle. In the pic above you might be able to see a few flakes swirling around as they begin to die down.
This was like my thoughts.
I had swirling thoughts this morning of some things that my friend D from TN had shared with me via a Marco Polo message last night. I was thinking also of the date night Dave and I had and the wonderful but deep conversation centered around Sanctification that he and I were engaged in over dinner at one of our fave Italian restaurants. I was thinking about our black friend C who walked in to place an order for take out and how we ended up having a great conversation with her. She often feels lonely. She's single and originally from the Bronx with ancestors from the Caribbean islands ( I think I have that right!). She has recently joined my hiking group and is a brand new hiker in her 50s. This woman means alot to me. She's been in our co-ed small group 2 years ago, and has been in my book study a few times. She's a very wise woman. I like hearing her perspective on implicit biases.
I have swirling thoughts about the state of our nation and how incredibly rude and obnoxious people/politicians/commoners in both parties have become. I know we are not a Christian nation nor do I expect us to be. But when I see people who profess Christ..who identify as Christ followers/born again/spirit filled Christians...whatever you want to call yourselves... and whatever party you line up with, being rude and showing hatred for fellow mankind, it just saddens me.
Personally, I am trying to live and walk out the two greatest commands Jesus left us with. This will be the best (in my opinion) way for us to shine the Light of God in our dark, evil nation.
I looked out the window as my thoughts slowed down and discovered a calmer day! The wind was dying down, it was now 9:30 AM and the sun was bright with a gorgeous cerulean blue sky and no snowflakes swirling.
I lean on this Scripture to calm my swirling thoughts regarding our nation and where as a Christ follower I don't really belong: I belong in my forever Home! As Christians who have the saving grace of Jesus, our citizenship is in heaven! Hallelujah!!
Here is the Scripture in its entirety:
I think that maybe God wants us on our knees humbling ourselves before Him even more these next few years. We will reap what we've sown. God have mercy on us.
For now? I'm going to enjoy what He has put before me to do. And I'm leaving those swirling thoughts at the feet of the Son, as I gaze out my window at the sun and rejoice that the snowflakes have left.
A powerful post, Faith! There is so much hatred and anger in our world today and unfortunately, I don't see it getting much better. Jesus is the answer, and the Bible is our handbook to life. People just don't see it. I pray your sinus headache and congestion go away soon. I'm fighting something similar today and feeling a bit crummy. Have a good weekend. Enjoy your bagels!
Hi Faith, I agree with you on the state of our nation. Our pastor says that many say they are Christians but not Christ followers because they do not follow what he taught. Makes me think of a song I learned long ago. They will know we are Christians by our love. I hope you get better soon.
yes susan!! amen to that! yes it seems like it was just my allergies yesterday.
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