"Even when the rainbow seems to pass right by me....I'm still finding Gold in the clouds....."

31 October 2010

Financial Contentment in Marriage

It's the first Monday of the month!  And what a hectic month it promises to be!

November and December are crazy busy for us here in the T----household. 

Sometimes it gets stressful....and in that stress, sometimes that affects our marriage!

Today's topic is seen in the title.

E-mom from Chrysalis is our amazing host for the monthly Marriage Monday articles and she gave us several topics to choose from regarding finances in marriages.  The one I am going to address here is "Our Holiday Spending Plan"

Dave and I used to "go all out" for Christmas.  Especially when the girls were younger.  They are now a senior in high school (age 17) and a 6th grader in elementary school (age 11). Yes...they both still make "wish lists" and in fact, have already handed them in to me!  and yes...I have started my Christmas shopping because 1. I love to shop. and 2. I am a planner. and 3. I hate the malls. So I go to cute, quaint shoppes or online and voila....shopping is usually done by mid-December and I can enjoy baking, entertaining, and concerts.....

This year, we told our daughters we were cutting back even more from the previous Christmas and that the oldest would be getting things she would need for life in a dorm (She graduates from high school in June!!).

Dave and I don't really have a certain amount of money we put aside for Christmas.  We tend to use our Visa card (which we pay off as soon as the bill comes...if we don't think we can pay it off in full, we simply don't spend) and we tend to spend a certain amount for each daughter.  Usually they get about the same number of gifts for the same amount of money.  Dave and I have really cut back on our gift-giving to each other.  I mean...really...what do we need??  Most of our gifts are wants.  And as I get older, I am not convinced that is always a good thing.  I treasure special gifts but we have so many material things.  Most people do in this country.  Even the poor among us have much more than people in other lands.

So...this year we are giving to ministries that we support in prayer or that are connected to our own church.  For example:  some dear friends of ours at church work for Youth for Christ. They are also youth group leaders in our church and do a lot for our teens.  We will write that organization a check for Christmas.
We support a missionary family who is stationed in Ethiopia.  We will send them some funds.  Dave usually is the one who determines how much we will send.  We also support a couple who is expecting their first child.  They live out in the western NY area and minister to teens who come from dysfunctional homes. And not all of those teens are financially poor.  This couple's salary is based on what Christians give to them! They have great faith and are a blessing in our lives.  In fact, he used to be one of our youth group leaders at church!  And we will each fill a box for Operation Christmas Child....in fact, my oldest daughter is once again organizing this project at her high school!  She has the support of the Christian Club and they are opening it up to any student who wants to participate.

We base our giving on Scripture.  Yes...we tithe.  We firmly believe that every Christian should be tithing a tenth of their income to their local church body.  It is Scriptural.  We have seen God's hand in this...and sometimes I have been against this but....we always see the blessing.  It might not be a monetary blessing but there is always a blessing of some sort.

Here are some Scriptures I am trying to teach my daughters to apply in their own futures:

 "therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land."
Deut. 15:11b
"Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.  Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life." I Timothy 6: 17-19 
"He who gives to the poor will not lack.  But he who hides his eyes will have many curses."  Proverbs 28:27 

God has given us many blessings, both material things and spiritual riches.  The holiday season, Thanksgiving and Christmas, are perfect times of the year to be careful with our finances.  God wants us to use wisdom.  He wants us to tithe.  He wants us to give to the needy.  He wants us to be more like Jesus!  He wants us to be content in all things......He wants us to draw closer and become more intimate with Him!  

We can be a servant of Jesus by serving or giving to others.  
Yes...it is ok to have material possessions.  What woman doesn't enjoy a brand new___________(fill in the blank!).  What man doesn't want to own a ______________?  What teen doesn't desire a _____________? and what child doesn't want to see special gifts under the tree?

We can enjoy that, but we also, as a married couple, want to see God's Kingdom advanced. I like the following quote I saw on a Christian website about stewardship.  The author is unknown. 

"We are supposed to manage these blessings to advance His Kingdom, not to please our fleshly desires." 

  We want to bless the missionaries who are out there being the hands and feet of Jesus. Dave and I are not career missionaries so we feel it is important to help serve the ones who are!  We want to share what we have been given.  Yes...we need to use wisdom.  We can't always write a check for just any organization that sends us letters in the mail. We can't help support every single ministry our church is involved in. We tend to support the ones that our children engage in or that are dear to our hearts or that God specifically shows us to invest in.  
I was telling Dave about this post and he said he likes to give money well ahead of the holiday season so that the missionaries and other organizations have the money in time to shop for Christmas. I like that!  As we begin to send out our checks and gifts to these very special servants of God, we are trying to teach our daughters that giving at Holiday times are just the beginning.  We are to continue to give throughout the year, as God puts them on our hearts.

Yes...we will spend some money on each other at Christmas.  My daughters will receive many things from their list.  They won't receive everything on it and there might be a couple of gifts under the tree that they do not expect at all!  Yes, we have a budget.  It is not something we discuss ad nauseum however!  Dave knows I am the one who enjoys the shopping (for the most part) and I am the one who has the time to do it. I tend to give gift certificates now that the girls are older and we hit the mall the week after Xmas to get the sales.  Dave and I spend less than $100 on each other typically.  It wasn't always that way...we used to spend A LOT!  But over the years, other things have become more important to us. Courtney and I have "gifts" as our primary love language.  If we could, we would really over -spend and want others to over-spend on us! lol.....we love gifts.....

But the greatest gift we are planning on receiving is the Greatest Gift of all.  We look forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior and Redeemer.  We look forward to entertaining friends and family and trying to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  We look forward to His mercies and faithfulness...to His forgiveness and grace!

Holiday spending??  You betcha!  but...within reason, with wisdom, in agreement,  and with making sure we are being stewards for God's Kingdom.

and THAT will reduce the stress of the season......

29 October 2010

October Fave Five: Sights, Sounds, Smells

Well, I don't know about the area where you call "home" but right here in the Capital Region of New York State, we are having a most glorious autumn!  The weather has been wonderful.  We had our first frost late last week and it turned our cherry trees in the front yard a vibrant orange.  The maple tree in the backyard was green until last weekend and all of a sudden it is a pretty golden yellow.  I just love the sights of autumn.

So.....I am going to give glory to God by proclaiming His blessings to me during this past week.  Over at Susanne's blog, Living to Tell the Story, she calls this the Friday Fave Fives.  We choose the top 5 things that blessed us during the last week and we post about them.  So.....hop on over to her place to link up or read more FFF's...and leave me a comment after you visit...I love to hear from readers...if you own a blog, I'll be by to read your list!


Maple Tree in backyard
28 October 2010

Cherry Tree in front yard
with most of its leaves on ground!

My summer flowers still bloom on!
28 October 2010


fresh peppers and other veggies
from Fresh Market Produce
for use in our 2-Bean Salad
and Chicken-Veggie Stew

Fresh-brewed coffee from Green Mountain
first thing in the morning!
This week we've enjoyed Vermont Country Blend

"Autumn Leaves" tart melting in pretty pot
during small group.....makes it cozy in the family room

  • of rejoicing,  when we were informed Courtney, our 17 yr old, made National Honor Society!
  • of our daughter, Claire (age 11) practicing violin each afternoon while I cook dinner.......
  • of laughter as Dave and Courtney build a trebuchet for her Physics project.....she had to launch a pumpkin that she decorated and named "Giselle"...Giselle had to travel at least 5 meters....she made it to 7.3 which is just over 21 feet.....WHOO HOO!!

Getting ready to latch the back down
and thanking God for Daddy Dave who
has tons of wisdom in Physics!

Courtney in parking lot
 of one of our elementary schools
practicing to set up her trebuchet
Sunday, 24 October
Ready to launch the basketball
to practice for the actual
pysumpkin launching!
  • bluejays, cardinals and woodpeckers at the bird feeder this week.....love that sound while I had windows open on these mild days, and doing housework......love their songs....
My good friend and neighbor, Melissa, stopped me while I was vacuuming my car on Thursday afternoon. She had just come home from work...it was late afternoon and I had an agenda...but...something told me to listen to her....she proceeded to tell me about a dear friend of hers from her church who just died...I won't go into details....it was a type of cancer and recently diagnosed. The point though is that Melissa shared with me just what an impact this person left on her....this woman who was a little different from us, but yet left a godly legacy....and a big impact on the people she came into contact with. The whole conversation really inspired me to reach out to some friends whom I have neglected or maybe haven't dealt with lately....it showed me that life is short...and we should let annoyances, differences, etc. just lie at the feet of Jesus and let Him take them.....and embrace (either literally or figuratively) the people God has put into our lives...whether past, present or future......life is short.

My 17 year old actually turned down a movie date with the guy she sees, J, to choose a movie for "chick flick nite!  My husband was home, but involved in something else, and didn't want to do a movie.  Courtney chose Letters to Juliet and although it was a little "sappy" in spots...it was touching, clean, and only rated PG!  Most unusual for today.  So..even Claire, at age 11, could enjoy it with Courtney and I.  We had such a nice evening together...it had been quite awhile since it was just "us girls".
Those are my 5 things from the past week:  a good movie, good conversation, great sounds, scents, and sights.....what blessed your week??

Oh...and for those of you who wanted the Pumpkin Bars recipe..it will be up later......


24 October 2010

My "To-Do" List or God's List??

It's Sunday!  After a leisurely morning breakfast and coffee with a good book, I turned to the Good Book while my husband was in the shower.  One daughter is up getting her own breakfast and one is still asleep.

Before I turned my thoughts to the chapter in Romans that I wanted to read today, my mind started a mental "to do" list.

YIKES.....this is supposed to be the Sabbath for me because yesterday was a "cook, clean, chores" day.
However, there are so many things that need to be done that are not checked off yet!
Here's a sample of what was running through my mind:
  1. Cook dinner (last nite we ordered pizza due to the busy day)
  2. Biking with Claire (important to her)
  3. Go to the high school and watch Courtney practice the pumpkin launching with her catapault for the Physics project due Wednesday.  Take video & pics.  Husband helps with the transport.
  4. Help Courtney finish her online application for a certain scholarship that is due by 11/1 
  5. Sign the parental consent form for above application and reload into the computer.
  6. Print out copy for grade 12 principal.  Mail to the High School office before Wed.
  7. Make the weekly dinner plans.
  8. finish the 2006 scrapbook on Snapfish (yes you read this correctly...2006!)
  9. email my Moms in Touch group regarding next meeting
  10. email my Got Teens? group regarding summary, etc.
and the list could go on and on.

So...rather than grabbing my notepad, I decided to just store the list in my head and get going on my devotional reading.

Here's part of what I read:

"Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil;  for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.  Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another."
Romans 14: 16-19
And God quieted my mind with His Word.

Yes, I still have that mental "to do" list.  Yikes...I even have to fit in some form of physical work-out if the biking doesn't take place....and now it's time to drive to church!!!

It is now after church as I finish writing this post.

Dinner is in the oven/cooking.
Teenager is doing homework while husband finishes the necessary prep for the Physics project.
Tween is quiet and reading the comics after just setting the table.

I'm waiting for the squash to cook so I can add my maple syrup and nutmeg.  

And my mind begins to be at peace while I continue to meditate on the Truth of God's Words.

Yes...I have a "to do" list.  Yet....I also will have my priorities straight if I pursue the things of God first.

Time in the Word.  Once again I chose a good novel over His Good Book .  ~sigh~

But....after a most excellent sermon about our various giftings as a church body, and about serving others before ourselves, and being humble, I came home to meditate on all those Scriptures.  

And really.....to confess before Him that I want to turn to His Word first place in my day.

So once again I purpose in my heart to do just that.

To do my ministry at home which is to role model for my daughters the life of Christ.  To show them that turning to God's word brings peace and guidance.

Yes I can fit in all my "stuff to do" today.....I can even carve out some time to read that novel.....but first....

Seek Him.

Turn the day over to Him.

Relate with my family around the dinner table.

Cheer on my teen and hubby over this physics project (but secretly be relieved when it is complete!)

Meditate on the Scriptures above.

The kingdom of God is NOT centered around my "to do" list....it is centered around His Purposes, His Righteousness, and doing what He has planned for me to do. 

I have been teaching my daughters what I call the FIVE C's.  This is my desire for them:  that they have these priorities established when they are on their own...in fact, I just shared these with the moms in my small group as our discussion centered around teaching our teens "life skills".

The T----Family Five C's are:
  1. Christ (their relationship with Christ is first in their lives)
  2. Castle (home/husband:  if they get married)
  3. Children (if they have children in their future)
  4. Career
  5. Church (their ministries they are involved in, etc)
Am I role modeling this for them?  Is Dave?

Well, we are certainly trying!  That could be a whole other post!

But for today....on my list, I will make sure that my time in the Word is first.

All the other things will have to follow.

What's on your "to do" list today??

21 October 2010

Fave Fives: Pumpkins, Prices, and People!

To participate just go to Susanne's site by
here.....THANK YOU to Susanne
for hosting the Friday Fave Five each week

Wow.....can you believe the month of October is winding down??

What a week of whirlwind activity!

The 5 things that blessed me this week, are all things that I sometimes take for granted......but they are all special in their own ways...and I thank God for them:


A pumpkin field trip with the class I teach in to this perfect pumpkin patch. I am in my 4th year of teaching in the Inclusion Kindergarten at S-----Elementary school here in our district.  We have 4 special needs children this year and 12 typical kindergartners.  This was the first field trip that was easy!  Everything went well and our "special" friends had no problems....it was the smoothest field trip we've ever had as a team.  I praise God for that!! I have sometimes taken for granted the fact that I have a job that I just LOVE!

    A 5 lb pumpkin hanging out in my dining room, waiting for Courtney, my teen, to launch it in the "slingshot" she is making for Physics class...there will be more on this next week!  I sometimes take for granted my husband who is amazingly intelligent and is willing to help with these higher level science projects! (because I simply cannot....I didn't make it past Earth Science!)

    These Pumpkin Bars that I served for my small group last evening......yummy!
    I love leading this group of women and I love baking/cooking and serving them in my home.....I never thought of my self as hospitable but someone complimented me on my home and that totally blessed me....I sometimes take for granted my home, my friends, and food!

    • SALE PRICES at this clothing store.  My teen and I drove to the town about 10 minutes north of us to shop on Saturday.  We ended up at Kohl's as I wanted to open a charge account with them....and I'm so glad I did!  We saved $122.80 on our order by shopping the sales that day and with the new account discount!  I just love a good sale!  We each bought 2 new sweaters, and I bought a plain white shirt to layer under a couple of other sweaters I have.  I need layers for hiking....and then we went next door to this place where Courtney found a fantastic pair of black pumps for the orchestra concerts this year....plus a cute pair of fuzzy pink slippers...she is all set now for the winter!  Sometimes I take for granted my oldest child.....I made sure I told her how proud I am of her and that I actually had fun shopping with her!  She is very precious to me....how I praise God for her! (even if she does want all things pink!!)

    • CHEERFUL PEOPLE!   My new friend from church (Joy) who, although older than me (her 20-something daughter is my oldest daughter's small group/youth group leader), is a huge encourager to me.  I love her hugs, her smile, her questions & encouragement about my own group (she has one too and asked me to join but hers meets the same nights mine does!). My friend Erin who I was able to finally talk with via phone on Sunday evening.  We live in the same town yet hardly ever see each other...it was so good to talk to her as it had been a long time other than emails/texting. The group of women/moms who are a part of my small group.  How I treasure our meeting times...I love opening up my home to them, leading them and discussing with them. We are learning so much from each other.....and we feel safe with each other...I love how we are edifying and encouraging each other and I cannot wait to meet again in 2 weeks...it is a special time!   My daughter Claire!  She is so cheerful all the time (for the most part!) and this week she has just been so sweet with helping around the house, offering her special hugs at bedtime and sweet words of encouragement to a school acquaintance. You can read about that here.  It was a real special moment! Sometimes I take for granted all the close friends the Lord has blessed me with....and that precious bundle of energy we call the Ballerina! 

    • NEW SINK IN HALF BATH!  We finally found a pedestal sink we both love.  We were shopping for regular pedestals for our half bath and came upon a pedestal sink with cabinet.  We didn't even know these existed.  So we got rid of the original sink that we put in when we built the house 16 years ago and replaced it with this:  (and I LOVE it!)
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    Our new sink looks like this (it's an Eurostone) but we added the faucet set shown here in pewter to match the other pewter accessories in the bathroom.  Pewter is easy to clean...just requires windex with vinegar to make it sparkle....easy!!  I love the European look!!  Sometimes I take for granted a good sale and the material blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us.

    • SCRIPTURE VERSE I TIMOTHY 4:12  My teenage girl, Courtney,chose this verse for under her yearbook picture (all seniors can choose a quote as long as they cite the source/author).  We are so proud of her for choosing this verse:

       "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

      Sometimes I take for granted the precious words of our Savior and the saints who have gone before us. 

    That wraps it up for me!

    I hope you have an enjoyable weekend......I'll be hiking with my friend Lynn and her daughter.  My youngest daughter is coming as well.  Claire requested a mountain with rocks so we are hiking Castle Rock in the upper Central Region of the Adirondack Mountains.  I warned my friend that this will likely be our last mountain hike until spring.....they have already had some snow up Lake Placid way....we'll be just a bit south of there so we are hoping the summit is snowless!

    also....I am thinking of starting another blog to focus on recipes/food/nutrition and fitness. Please let me know via email if you are interested in joining this blog!  Recipes will be transferred from here to there......will let you know more details at a later date......you do NOT have to have your own blog to read mine.

    HAPPY FAVE FIVE!!  If you comment, I'll be sure to come and visit your blog!

    17 October 2010

    Running the Race!

    Our youngest daughter, Claire, age 11, is in her final year of elementary school (6th grade).  Each autumn, our school district has a cross country track meet for all 7 elementary schools, grades 4-6.  Neither of my girls wanted to participate in this, until this year.  Claire is active but she is not really a runner.  She is a dancer.  Ballet is her passion, and biking, swimming, hiking, kayaking are all sports she does well in, yet running has never been her thing.  However, she is also very social and wanted to participate in the cross country meet because most of her close friends were doing so.  So, we signed the forms and she was all set to race!

    We talked about how it doesn't matter where she places.  We talked about "doing your best" and just having fun trying something new.  She wasn't nervous at all and didn't seem to care if she was in the first group to cross the finish line or not.  (she wasn't...she was in one of the last groups for 6th grade girls).

    Watching her come around the bend in the towne park, and across the lawn, towards those of us waiting near the bleachers, my heart swelled with pride.  She finished!!  She was running with all her might!  Yes, she walked along the trail ridge, she said.....the children are encouraged to do so if they become winded.  Although she is a strong dancer, different muscles are used for running.  She has good endurance but really doesn't like to run.  (I do like to run but am not very good/fast, and although I am in pretty good shape, I, too, get winded when running!)

    As she ran past me and my 2 neighbors who were cheering her on, along with 2 of our 5th grade neighbor girls who were slated to run next, I immediately thought of the verse about finishing the race.

    From 2 Timothy 4:7

    "I have fought the good fight.  I have finished the race.  I have kept the faith."

     Now, Paul, in this letter, is not telling Timothy that he actually ran a race, as in a running race.  This actually refers to our spiritual journey.  

    But....in watching Claire run past me, with reddened cheeks, hair pulled tightly into a ponytail and slapping against her back, arms and legs pumping and a determined look on her face, I was reminded that we, as Christians need to be "running the race" and finishing it!  I could tell she was tired.....she was probably thinking "how much further?!"  She is one determined gal.

    And that's how we need to be with our walk in this life.  Determined.
    Keeping our eyes focused and believing we can do it!

    Yes, at times the race will seem daunting.  We will grow weary.  There might be obstacles in our path.  

    However, if we run with the end in our minds we can overcome the challenges!

    And we will face Jesus!  He is our eternal reward for a race well-run and finished!

    Did Claire win the race??  No.

    But sometimes, the winning is in the accomplishment of just doing.

    Was it worth it?  YES....

    And at the end of the race, when she saw a classmate crying on the ground, she went right over to offer comfort and words like what I spoke to her:

    "it's ok....you did it!  You ran and finished!  and that's what is important"

    And then she gave J a hug.

    Now....that's a race well run!

    Claire, age 11

    14 October 2010

    October Fave Five 3

    It's a Friday and that means the FAVE FIVES are listed so we can give thanks to God for blessing us with special moments, events, people, foods, or just those little things that make our days special.  A great big THANK YOU to Susanne for hosting this each week....to learn more about the  FFF's, just click on the words in color:  Living to Tell the Story

    Schroon Lake
    as seen from the summit of
    Severance Mountain
    Eastern ADKs
    10 October 2010
    pic by Faith E M T

    Lynn on Severance Mt summit
    10 October 2010

    Spectacle Brook 
    on the trail to Spectacle Pond
    Pharoah Lake Wilderness Region
    Eastern ADKs

    Spectacle Pond
    10 October 2010
    (Pharoah Mt is in background)
    Faith at end of trail
    Spectacle Pond
    photo by Lynn E 10/10

    A MOUNTAIN CLIMB AND DEEP WOODS HIKE with one of my best friends, Lynn.
    This was a "moms only" hike...we left the hubbies and daughters home and headed up to the Eastern Adirondacks......for a Sunday of glorious weather, beautiful scenery, and a yummy dinner at this restaurant/club.  After hiking to the top of Severance Mountain and back down (2.4 miles), we drove to a different part of the Eastern region (the Pharoah Lake Wilderness) and hiked a 2 mile trail to a very remote pond called Spectacle Pond.  We were pretty tired coming back....total miles hiked that day were 5.8 miles!  We were only about 1 1/2 hour from our homes so decided to eat out.....it was a marvelous day and it really cemented our friendship together.  Lynn was new to hiking...it was her first mountain climb! She did a great job and it is so much fun having a friend who likes hiking! My neighbor and good friend, Melissa, was supposed to join us but sadly, she hurt her back the night before so couldn't hike. I am hoping she can join us the next time we head out....in fact....I would love for any of my local friends to join us!!

    COURTNEY'S CREATIONS!  My oldest daughter is applying to colleges with art departments that offer Graphic Design.  Two of them are Christian colleges and both have portfolio requirements as does the secular college she is looking into, but...one of the Christian colleges has a requirement that involves completing FOUR assignments (all drawings) as part of the application process for the department.  Along with these 4 drawings, she must write a 2 page essay comparing her Art with her Christianity and how it all relates. And this is the college she really wants to get into! YIKES!  This is something neither Dave nor I can help her with...nor should we, if we could!  She has finally begun to take ownership of this and on Sunday evening when I returned from hiking, I saw that she had completed part of the first drawing!  Yeah....
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    SHOPPING AND ICE CREAM CONES with my youngest daughter, Claire.  While Courtney was at a mall, on Columbus Day, with friends for lunch and shopping, I took my youngest to one of her fave stores, pictured above, for new sleepwear and sweaters.  There was a sale going on!  Yeah...and...because it had been awhile since she and I had shopped together, I treated her to ice cream at Friendly's on the way home.  We went to the take out window and enjoyed our ice cream in the warm sunshine.....I so much enjoy these special moments with my "baby"....
    Claire biking with Mom
    in cemetary near our house

    Biking near our home
    8 October 2010
    Photo by Claire R T

    BIKING ON A WARM AUTUMN AFTERNOON.  We had last Friday off from school for the long Columbus Day weekend.  Friday afternoon was very nice so Claire asked if I'd bike with her outside the neighborhood. She likes to bike in the cemetary and down the country roads near our home but knows she can't go by her self.  I happily donned my helmet, pumped my tires(I hadn't been on my bike since early August!) and away we went.  It was a lot of fun and I had more energy to finish housework when we returned!

    Pumpkins from local farm stand
    on our little Amish wagon in front yard

    Faith's late blooming cosmos(pink)
    and white mums in front flower bed

    Faith's Rose Bush

    I have enjoyed my late afternoon walking work-outs this week because it gives me a chance to see neighbors' yards and autumn decor.  I particularly like all the pumpkin displays I see around the neighborhood.  And many flowers are still blooming due to our very mild autumn.  We had a fantastic summer, weather-wise, and now we are enjoying a beautiful autumn with not a lot of rainy, damp weather (altho tonite, Thursday, it just started to rain and the temps have dropped).  It is supposed to rain most of this weekend, but I don't mind because I have housework to do, books to read, a lesson plan for my small group to organize, and a family game night with my husband....all indoor kinds of things that won't be too bad with candles lit, cozy fleece loungewear, and no major obligations other than church!

    What are your weekend plans??

    And....do you have a favorite moment from your past week?

    Please share in the comment section.....and if you are a blogger, I'll come read your post if you participate!

    "Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens!......When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?.....Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!"

     Psalm 8:1, 3&4 ,9

    For things that made me marvel from God's Creation this week click here.......


    Coming soon:  what I learned at my youngest daughter's cross country track meet......